Back in fourth grade, I was fascinated by the 19th century westward expansion of the United States. The stories I wrote reflected that. Research? Nah. I just wrote. This probably explains how I found myself writing a scene set in a one-room prairie schoolhouse where a bunch of students expressed their boredom by throwing paper…
I Join the 21st Century: or, Audiobooks
NEWPORT will be released as an audiobook on July 7th, and I couldn’t be more pleased. I do, however, have a confession to make: as excited as I am about my novel’s audio release, I’ve never actually listened to an audiobook. I know. What rock have I been living under? Because now that my own…
You Have the Power …
Once upon a time, not so many moons ago, there were four magical journals in which authors hoped to find reviews of their books. There was Publishers Weekly (read by nearly everybody in the industry), Kirkus (with its reputation for snarky, cutting reviews), Booklist (a kinder, gentler approach to the review process), and Library Journal…
Let’s talk about muses and inspiration, because I am a total believer. I’m not talking about the classical Greek muses. There were nine of them, plenty to go around. Daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, they were raised by the god Apollo and the nymph Eufime. They grew up to become the sources of inspiration for…
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- Island of Misfit Manuscripts September 20, 2024
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